Monday, 2 November 2015

SHoP Architects

A place to innovate
SHoP Architects use Autodesk BIM solutions to design a hub for innovation in Africa.

The task is to design buildings that are exciting and functional.

Landlocked country in South Africa.  It has gone from being one of the poorest countries to one of the most popular. To help support the growth goals of the counter, they felt that they needed a design to attract attention and symbolise the country.
They decided to hold an international contest to choose the project architect competitively.
Botswana innovation Hub said "We were not just looking for a striking design. The selection criteria also included sustainability and the use of the latest architectural tools."

SHoP was the contest whose design stood out from most because -
·        Design that compliments the surrounding area.
·        In their models organically forms stimulate hill and landscape.
These sources are really important in their culture.
SHoP even included options like:
·        Living roof
·        Shaded courtyards
These were the aims that the client wanted in their building.
SHoP created rendering of their design ideas to visualise the ideas they used  AutoCAD, 3ds Max .

Kevin Fennell project manager for SHop said that it's quite normal these days to add 3D rendering.
He said that 3ds Max made it easy to include details of the surrounding areas. With rendering it helps the client to visualise the design and see the design touches the ground and how natural it connected with the landscape.
Autodesk Revit was that software that helped them explore ideas and helped to advance the visual of the product.

SHop had a meeting with the client to show them a few Revit models with different options. By showing the model in 3D, the client could see more clearly where the design ideas were coming from and could give feedback immediately.

Sharing the Benefits of BIM
The client was specific in that he wanted them to use the most recent design tools. The company was familiar with BIM (Building Information Model) a process involving creation and management of digital description of physical and functional features of places.
BIM is taking the 3D design to the next level. BIM is helping everyone to understand the design and provide more easily.

Fast ChangesMore Insight
The team SHoP went to Africa to meet with structural engineers who were using Autodesk Revit structure software.  With the model created, the structural engineer could see what would have to be improved in the design. So they had to change the material and obviously they had a different cost.

Designing for Sustainability
The last task they use Autodesk Ecotest. This is used to experiment on how the shading and building mass effected load.

Lofting Basics & Process by Alex Hogrefe

 This model has a fantastic design, this is because of the curves geometric. The software Sketchup is not appropriate an organic modelling. Rhino is a better software to create these type of curves because it continues on NURBS based modeling instead of mesh which allows for more coordination and management of complicated geometry. 

Sometimes people based there design on the limitation of the software. In my opinion that's something that annoys me because it's better to create a design that you desire. First you can sketch on the software that don't have the appropriate tools and then use something vast as software to create a great design.
Before model making, designer start sketching the ideas on papers. The designer found out that sketchup and Rhino are really similar to each other so he preferred using them both.

Sketchup take much more time to make curves and so he could emphases more on testing and develop new ideas and structures instead of sketching on paper. Above, are the designer's sketches. He produces many type of sketching, so he could designing and developing new forms. If you can see Alex manipulated every form, so he could find the right design.  Sketches it only takes seconds but modelling takes hours. The one below is a massing model and it is used to analyze basic forms and ideas. He used a plan and section to give her a great basic volume information from which he could continue developing.

 He was focusing on
·        Where and how the shadows are going to show.
·        How to design the land around the building
·        And if the form would be strong enough for my concept and accomplishment 

Alex said that once he has a great base to begin with he could continue modelling easily now. He began with "the curves and softening the transition". he said that he tested plugins and he seem to have a problem, the problem was that they where really unstable. If they were not used right the model would crash. The list of plugins that the designer found best to work with are  the FREDO Tools and more particularly the Curviloft plugin.
For this 3D model, he used the “loft by spline”, and sometimes he has used “loft along path” and “skinning” in previous models.
Process start :
1.     " Taking line work off of my base massing model
2.     using the Arc tool to soften the corners
3.     leaving me with smooth line work to loft."

Once there are loads of lines prepared to loft, He starts  the Curviloft plugin.

1.     "I choose the first spline curve,
2.     then I choose the second spline curve, 
3.     and then hit the check mark twice to complete the process."

The plugin job is to soften the surface among the two spline curves. The plugin are great to use because they are really fixed and can be used inside of groups.

 The more you have splines the more complex the geometric model be and the plugin handle it more easily.

 For the final think is to clean up and erase any unneeded line. by this you have to hide the line work.
Underneath we are seeing one with hidden geometric on and the other with it off. Which one looks better?
You can see more clearly the geometric design and this is how a model should be produced.  

  If familiar with Rhino, 3DS, Maya, etc, you know lofting is an important tool when doing this type of design. However, In Sketchup it's not that familiar with it and that's why sketch up is losing its population.

These are some fine sketches of the final product. 


Pixars moving making has a long design process. A Pixar movie takes about four to five years to be ready. Pixar emphasis on planning all based on storytelling.

Filiming is a visual presentation. The first development when creating a film is using the traditional ability like drawing, painting, sculpture and storytelling.

Pixar build the idea slowly using collaboration of the team so there would be different opinion and different ideas. The team consists of designers and animators.
"Making movies isn't always about pride in what we can achieve as individuals...
Making movies is about the pride you feel as a group." said Michael Giacchina

Pixar's animation process is as follows:

First, Pixar begin by thinking about story ideas. Then the ideas continue to evaluate in the team.

They create a short document that includes main ideas. This document will continue to be developed until they have a clear idea and open possibilities.

The script is always written after the idea developed.

Storyboards are like a free hand-drawn version of the movie. Each storyboard the artist has a script, which includes characters feelings and emotion that need to be seen in movement. These guidelines helped the artist know what to draw and what to produce to the director.

Talented actors record their voices for this animated movie..

LOOK AND FEEL (COLOUR SCRIPTS)                                                                    
Based on design process (the storyboard, their idea generation, the sketching and the script). The art department created an inspirational art illustrating the environment and the characters. They also design the props, the set and colour scheme. The colour is created by light and the light is a really important element in the screen

The characteristic of Pixar animation software is to create a three-dimensional pc models that include characters, props and sets. With this 3D modelling software you can visualize the shape and the motion that include action and expressions. Sometimes they use the method of sculpture by hand and then scanned in 3D software or modelled directly in 3D software. Because this is a 3D object that is on its axis this can be rotate and viewed with different angle. When you start modelling all you can see is the wireframe of the object or of the character, because there wouldn't be any colour surface of textures.
The characters are given "avars", with this the object can move. Like example, Woody has 100 avars in his face alone.

The set is created where the actor to appear in the film. As the set is created they have to include the props in it chairs, curtains, and toys, to build a realistic since. The characters are established on the set in a process called blocking. The director and experts animators block the key of the character positions and they take many types of shots with the camera in different angles for the movie.

To transfer the idea in a 3D scene, they put the character in the scene and take separate shots with their camera to catch. There are multiple of shots taken, this is so they give it to the editor and choose layout to cut so then they create the storytelling effect. When this process is ready it is time to begin the animation.

Pixar's still use traditional animation because they draw or paint the shots. Using Pixar's animation software, they choreograph the movements and expressions in each scene. Pixar's animators choreograph the action in each scene by construct key frames or poses. They are using computer commands and the character's avars to construct key poses. Automatically the computer then creates the "in-between" frames, which the animator modify as needed. It's normal when an animator start over a single short animated part many times before the director is content.

3D software that explains surface factures contains of textures, finishes and colours are applied to every think in the scene. These programs, called "shaders," can affect many type of display, including wood, metal, fabric, glass, hair and skin. Practically everything is given texture and colour from this stage, including characters and props. They try to make scene look as real as possible like characters dressed with clothing that creased and flows naturally with body motion, hair and fur that waves in the wind, and skin that looks real enough to touch.

The light creates the mood and emotions of every scene. By using "digital light", every scene is lit in different levels. The Lighting is inspired from colour and the scripts created by the art department. Animators create ambient by spotlights to create a more depth, shadows and moods.

Rendering is the final process. It gathers every shoot together (sets, colours, character movement), into a one frame of film. Pixar's uses RenderMan as a software t "draws" the final product by computing every pixel of the picture from the model, animation, shading, and lighting information.
By using a great digitar all the design process is combined together that create one frame of film.  Even a company like Pixar, it takes time to render one frame of the film. A Pixar animated films consists of 24 frames per second. There are about 130,000 frames in about 90 minute animated films.

Editor to complete the composition of the animators is including sound effects and background music. sounds are edit when they adds special effects. 

Charlotte Asherson “2300” Silver Spray-Chromed Nylon SLS Jewellery.

Charlotte Asherson worked with Dovydas Pocius at D2W for this project. She had basic cad files and sketches of shapes with her idea jewellery design. She said that she had tried to produce her design by using traditional jewellery and silver smiting techniques, but her experimenting was too expensive and she wasn't contacted about her final product. She has some basic information about 3D printing and thought that her final product would be more effective the way she designed it.

Cad and design requirement.
Charlotte wanted her project to look manly and bulky. She even has a few particular stone fitting method ideas.
Charlotte wanted to 3D print her collection, have them asset case in silver, polished and the stone set into them. But as Douydos did the 3D modelling they noticed that her design was going to be extremely heavy.
The cost was not the issue, but the item would be unwearable because of its weight.
From the rendering made here, she could clearly see the faults in her collection. On the other hand, she could see how the design was going to look when finished.

3D printing.
The entire component was created using D2W's Wylon container system.
The collection had 20 different objects like:
·        Head pieces
·        Necklaces
·        Earrings
·        Bangles
·        Rings

Research and Analysis

What Is AutoCAD?

Auto cad - 3D software used to develop blueprints for buildings, brides and computer chip. AutoCAD is manly used by drafters. It also aids engineers surveyors and architects.

AutoCAD consists of 2D and 3D computer based drafting and design software used in construction, architecture and manufacturing assisting in the preparation of Blueprints and other type of engineering plants. Following are the six most common specialisaton areas-

·       mechanical drafting
·       architecture drafting
·       civil drafting
·       electrical drafting
·       electronic drafting
·       aeronautical drafting

Brief description of type of drafters.

  1. .    Mechanical drafting - produce plants for mechanisms and machinery.
  2. .    Architectural drafters - prepare designs for residential and commercial buildings.
  3. .    Civil drafters -  design plants for major projects such as, roadways, brides, sewer system etc.
  4. .    Electrical Drafters - prepare diagrams of electrical wiring.
  5. .    Electronic drafters - also prepare diagrams for electrical wiring used in electronic devices.
  6. .     Aeronautical drafters ' prepare blueprints for the as semblance of aircraft, related parts and items.


  1.          Create accurate designs.
  2.          Drawings created in 2D and 3d rotation.
  3. .      Can be linked to other computer software.
  4.          After deciding what unit of measure to use, draw model at 1:1 scale.
  5. .       Flexible drawing information.
  6.         Can name and lock layers allowing alteration to be carried out simply.
  7.          Set styles, formats and layouts or use templates that confirm to standard.
  8.          Accurate and efficient drawings
  9.          Adjusting sizing of drawing by zooming.
     1.    Extensive training time.
2.    Affordability of start up software and hardware
3.    Affordability of updates and new releases.

Autodesk 3DS MAX.

3DS MAX IS A 3A animation rendering and modelling software this was created by Autodesk Media and entertainment. This software is used mostly architects, game developers, design visualization and visual effect artists. The characters that makes a perfect platform for 3D models and animators and toolset, polygon modelling and texturing workflow. 3DS MAX has made the process of design more visualised and much easier.
With the help of 3DS MAX you can create a realistic scenes by modifying objects, applying maps and textures of materials, set the environment appropriate to the scene by adding lights and cameras.

     1.    Create the models/scene
2.    Apply map and materials to them.
3.    Put light and camera
4.    Animate the object in the scene.
5.    Render the scene for visualization.

Automaya vs. 3ds max

There is not a huge difference between 3Dx Max and Maya but there is 3D tools different in some small details and features.


·       They both are 3D modelling and animation program.
·       They both run with the same software Autodesk.
·       History/ Operator stock works similar.
·       Automaya and 3ds max has the same tools t modelling, texturing, rigging, animation, rendering and dynamics.

Different and disadvantage for 3ds max:

·       Animators say that Maya is more suitable for them because Maya has higher level of complexity and 3Ds max sometimes gets unstable.
·       Maya is good with project that has character rigging and animation overlap.
·       When it comes to modelling nurbs, Maya is better than 3DX max because it's easier to use and it uses different approaches..
·       3D animators says that Maya is the best software for 3D animation this is because a great capacity for imitate realistic animations and effects.

Different and advantage for 3Ds max

·       3DS Max make your work quicker because it has small tools.
·       3DS Max provides you more range for better rendering.
·       Artists says that Maya has a great poly tools, they say that "it fits well for organic modelling" although 3DX max has more accuracy tools.
·       3DS max makes perfection for architectural visualization.
·       3DS max's rendering has more ability to perform improved interoperability with industry standard products, even extra time saved for animation and mapping workflow tools.

Maya is a 3D program that is known for animation and modelling + full motion effect. It was original invented in 1998 by Alias Wavefront and in 2005 it continued developing by Autodesk.

Maya is known for video professionals. They use Maya for animated film, television program, visual effects and video game because it creates highly professional 3D animation.
Maya combine the natural laws of physics to command the action of virtual objects in animation.
Maya creates the most realistic videos with less complex programs.
Maya is not only known for film industry to create graphics but its known for video game industry to create visual effect for games
a popular film that has worked with Maya where Rango and Halo and a video game call of duty and Halo.

Maya and Fitz.

Before Maya there was Fitz, but Maya has more realistic rendering of natural effect like

·       smock blowing in a breeze
·       The rotation of clouds and dust in a tornado
·       The sag and movement of clothing caused by gravity.
It was difficult to make these effects with Fitz

Maya (Advantages)

·       Maya can make the human figure more realistic by their facial expressions and there body languages, that's why more animators use Maya.
·       Maya has been used in popular movies like twister and Stuart little.

Maya (Disadvantage)

·       It works slow
·       Runtime error in various subject
·       Normal map problems
·       Displacement map renderings


Modelling tools for designers and architects.
First program release in 1998, Rhinoceros or Rhino. This software has become a standard 3D modelling tools for architects and designer.
Rhino provide to precise model/document your designs ready for

·       Rendering
·       Animation
·       Drafting
·       Engineering
·       Analysis
·       Manufacturing/construction
Rhino has many abilities like create, edit, analyze, document, render, animate, and translate many type of curves, surfaces and solids with no complication, degree or size. Rhino is easy to use for design and building ideas in a few times.
Rhino is special from other 3D modelling software because pattern created on Rhino it can be exported to
    ·       Laser cutter
·       milling machines
·       3D printers.

Rhino and Alias.
These two programs, the both of them are important for industrial designers.

Rhino Advantages.

    ·       Large selection of tools for NURBS modelling
·       Great speed
·       Low cost
·       Snaps
·       Ability to install additional plug-ins.

Rhino disadvantages.
    ·       Although so many tools, not that much control on the basic.
·       The program does not build up a professional surface.

Alias surface vs Rhino
    ·       For modelling surface is more good than Rhino
·       Alias has a large amount of tools like Rhino.
·       It has a great control (Alias has a large amount of functions for extra control)
·       less snaps than Rhino
·       More expensive than Rhino.
·       No opportunity ( To install additional plug-ins)
Visualization modes (Rhino)

Cinema 4D

Cinema 4D is the best for 3D artists. It was developed by Maxon computer GMBH (in Germany)

Cinema 4D contains of features like prime, visualize and broadcast. This software can solve any problems easily.
Cinema 4D studio tools are easy to create advanced character animations. Tools (hair tools) let you grow, comb, style and animate really fast and easy. The physics engine makes it easy to have complicated accidents and cooperation between objects. Network renderings can take benefit of the entire network on your computer to help render your animation faster.
Although its know for designing 3D there are other tools in this software that still helps you in designing
Cinema 4D studi lets your creativity relese and enjoys 3d allot.

Cinema 4D and Blender.
These two software are two type of software that are known for video modelling applications.
They have been both used by professionals for years. Although this, they are different from each other.
·       Blender is easier to understand than Cinema 4D.
·       Blender is free for everyone not like Cinema 4D, because Cinema 4D is free for students.
·       Blender has less resources than Cinema 4D.
·       It has similar features than cinema 4D
·       Blender is an open source but Cinema 4D is not an open source.
·       Cinema 4D is very strong.

Photoshop is and editing and manipulation software. Architects and Designer use Photoshop for 2D and 3d renderings.
When they have design models of a building they use Photoshop to make it more realistic by adding lightning and texture to the rendering.

Industries other than architects and designer who use photoshop.

Astronomers use Photoshop to make clear photographs of space so they can study more the stares. They can edit background and create animation from the image.

Forensics technical use Photoshop to process the numbers of photographic evidence that come from crime-scene photos.

Photoshop helps web designers to create background, text, site buttons and 3-D artwork for modern web-site.

It helps even doctors in their work. It helps analyze Medical images.

Photoshop and Illustrator.

Photoshop and Illustrator are Adobes graphics programs. They are so similar from each other.

·       Photoshop is a pixel, based form but illustrator is mathematical arrangement to create vector graphics.
·       Illustrator is mostly used for logos or when you want to print or display a different size
·       Photoshop sometimes it loses its quality because of pixels but illustrator never loses its quality because it's a vector graphics.
·       Illustration will give you a better layout since it's not resolution dependent.
·       Unlike Photoshop, Illustrator it's not easy to adjust images that are already created because there are restriction filters and editing tools available.